In the past I have pointed out some of the inconsistencies of what is stated about Islam and what it seems to practice, as well as some of the differences between Islam and Christianity. Today's entry is really no different.
These days our so-called secular media seems to be going out of its way to faun all over Islam and prop up the ridiculous “religion of peace” mantra it tries to hind behind. I read a couple of very interesting articles concerning the newly elected African-American Muslim congressman from Minnesota. This is an article about Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to be elected to congress. Beyond the flap about him putting his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible for the ceremonial pictures of the swearing in process, the larger issue is, that as a Christian convert to Islam, Islam seems to get a pass on all of the questions that would be asked any other person with seemly extreme personal beliefs that would also seem to violate the US Constitution, the very thing he will swear to uphold. You want some examples? I knew you would.
Picture this, a member of the KKK is elected to congress with the follow beliefs:
- Jews as the descendants of apes and pigs.
- Forbids having Christians and Jews as friends.
- Believes there should be war without end against non-KKK members, including Jews and Christians.
- In that war, decapitating prisoners.Sound a little extreme?
These are beliefs boldly promoted in the Koran, and for which Ellison blindly accepts, even if in ignorance. But they are also politically incorrect to ask about, for two reasons. First Ellison is African-American, and second Islamic beliefs are never challenged by the media – even when a white, liberal, female reporter is dissed by a Muslim man. (If a Christian did that, and they wouldn't, they would be castigated for months.) Ellison was supported by Muslims and Christians alike in his district – Muslims for obvious reasons, but black Christians because he's black. As a Christian, I would have a really hard time supporting some one like that whose beliefs oppose my Christian principles and beliefs, irrespective of his/her skin color. I, like the author of the article, would like to ask Ellison about his stance on the following atrocities:
- The Madrid bombings of 2004, the London bombings of 2005 and the plot to blow up as many as 11 trans-Atlantic flights that unraveled in 2006
- The Beslan massacre – where 186 Russian school children and 158 adults died in a hostage crisis in 2003
- Rioting in Pakistan , Afghanistan , Nigeria and Libya (over Danish cartoons dissing Mohammed) in which 139 were killed
- A series of blasts in Mumbai , India , in July, which left 209 dead and more than 700 injured Attacks during this year’s celebration of Ramadan (280 in 17 countries) in which more than 1,600 were killed.
- The murder of a priest and a nun, the firebombing of churches in the West Bank and multiple death threats following the Pope’s comments on Islam and the balance between faith and reason
- The ethnic cleansing of 90% of Kosovo’s pre-1999 Serb population, not to mention the destruction of hundreds of churches, monasteries, convents and shrines in the province The ritual slaughter of Dutch filmmaker
- Theo Van GoghTruthfully, I'm OK with Ellison being a Muslim, and even being in congress.
The second one is by the same author but from his blog site. This article (Anti-Defamation League Reaches New Low – Attacking a Jewish Commentator For "Islamaphobia") points out some disturbing facts about CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, its roots and its statements, as well as the ADL. It should be a little shocking to all of us that the ADL would rather see a Muslim America than a Christian one. (yes, that's a bit extreme to say, isn't it)
This last article is by an ex-Muslim and is a much needed history lesson on Islam's roots and your likely roll under Islamic rule. Yes, that's pretty extreme for me to say that too, but not so far fetched as you may think. Less than 10 yrs ago, homosexuality was an unacceptable behavior, now its viewed as normal. That mentality changed almost overnight by the homosexual activist grou, ActUp. And coming down the road is NAMBLA, North American Man/Boy Love Association. (but its reign will be short lived under Sharia law)
I leave you with two thoughts. This first is the album cover to Keith Green's No Compromise. It says it all. Pictured is a man who will not bow to anyone but Christ, while every one else, out of fear bows. I don't point these articles out to be political – I learned that painful lesson in the 80's. I point them out for all of us to start the year with the resolution to serve God with a whole heart, unyielding to the pressures around us to conform to politically correct behavior. Is our faith in Christ important to us? What about your friends and neighbor? The second is a parting Scripture:
If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (Jos 24:15)If Jesus is not Lord of ALL, then He's not Lord at all. That's radical, but its also biblicial.
Thanks for the thots.