Once again, the West or should I say America, has received another love letter from the Islamo-fascists in the Muslim world. In a nutshell, we are told by an American traitor, Adam Gadahn, a convert to Islam and now a militant Muslim in al-Qaida, to “convert to Islam or face the consequences.” For all of you out there that are shocked by this, it's really nothing new. Islam has been doing this since it began in the 7th century. I know, I know, not very politically correct to point out their history, is it?
Interestingly, I heard this past week that American Muslims are finally “looking within” to see if maybe they need to be “good” Americans and police themselves. Now there's a concept – are you listening Muslim world? CAIR? After 9/11 all Muslims seemed to want to do is run around and tell every one how offended they were at being labeled as Islamists. I do understand that, and I even agree. Discrimination is wrong. However, telling me your peaceful and then hearing the hate speech from so many Mosque's, that's a hard sell. CAIR is the major proponent of this mentality, and is more interested in its “rights” than actually promoting the “peace” they say is the hallmark of their religion. Frankly, I simply don't see anything peaceful about Islam, past or present.
Christians and Muslims disagree on their fundamental beliefs. For a Christian, Islam perverts biblical truth; we do not serve the same God. So, from the Christian perspective, the religion 'Islam' is evil. Calling that “hate speech” is a real stretch. If its hate speech for Christians, then why isn't it hate speech for Muslims? Muslims call Christianity an evil religion – that's what Adam Gadahn just did. He became a militant Muslim in America! And the whole world knows what Muslims think of the Jews. So, if Franklin Graham calls Islam an “evil religion”, then OK, so what? Does that mean we deserved 9/11? We have to upgrade our security in everything we do because there are so many Muslims trying kill Americans, and Britain's, and Spaniards, and Indians, and Russians, and even other Muslims. Do they ever do anything other than make plans to kill people? What is so peaceful about Islam? Why should Islam get a pass? If Muslims wants respect, then they need to police themselves! But they don't do that. No, them make it the job of the West, and then hate us for it.
By the way, I can't remember the last Muslim that was beheaded to show how great a religion Christianity is. But I do remember an American man in Iraq being beheaded to show how peaceful and great Islam is. And I also remember a Muslim man a couple of months back forcing his way into a Jewish center in Seattle so he could shoot 6 unarmed women. Now that's bravery!
According to Islam, the West is “christian”, and anything the West does is a “crusade”. It is unfortunately that the majority of people in the West aren't really Christian at all! So its fact check time. France and Italy are “culturally” Catholic. Germany is “culturally” Lutheran. America is “culturally” Protestant. True Christianity isn't being practiced by very many people at all (remember, its the narrow road, not the wide road). And Israel is “culturally” Jewish – not that many actually practice their religion. I'm sure the same can be said for some Muslims, but it's probably less prevalent.
I don't say this to promote Islam, but to shame the West and Christianity. The West is engaged in a “war on terrorism”, and what they don't seem to understand is that it's a “religious war”. That's right. We think that if we play nicely in the sandbox with the Muslim world, they'll like us. But they never will. Their core beliefs state clearly that they have the right and the responsibility to rule and dominate anything that isn't Islamic. Living peacefully with Christianity and Judaism is just not on their agenda. Look at Iran. Their leader is clearly an Islamo-fascist. There really isn't much difference between him and Osama bin Ladin or Ayman al-Zawahri.
So what are Christians supposed to do about all of this? Converting to Islam will not save you, because of guys like me. I will never, I know too much about Christianity and Islam. So, what's the alternative? Well, how about continuing our mandate. Matt 28 says “preach the Gospel to all nations.” That includes the Muslims in America, Europe, and the Muslim world. Islam isn't going to change. It will still be against the law to possess a Bible in Saudi Arabia, and to preach Christianity in any Muslim country. CAIR will not be coming to your aid if you are in an Iranian jail. And it will still be a capital offense for a Muslim to convert to Christianity. But their eternal destiny without Christ is hell. Are we going to start being authentic Christians, or continue being “cultural” christians?