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I want it!

Several days ago, I was trolling MSNBC technology news and I ran across this:

What an awesome looking car! And the technology – you have to take the time to read about it! Now I’m not an environmentalist, but I do care about the environment. More than that, I’m tired of helping the Islamic fascist nations rape us on oil prices. ‘Course, we were the idiots that set up OPEC, weren’t we. I’d really like to see them go back to herding camels in the deserts, instead of promoting terrorism all over the world because their so damn rich and have just too much time on their hands. Sorry, that’s not very Christian like of me, but I’m really tired of hearing all of the terrorist acts that happen every day in this world, all over the world. Columbia, Philippines, England, Britain, Spain, USA, France, Netherlands, Russia, China, India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and nearly every country in Africa (these last 3 seem to do as much promoting terrorism as they receive) …. have I missed any of them? Probably. Oh ya, Israel. But I digress …

A bunch of Silicon Valley electrical engineers who are gear heads and environmentalists decided to try to solve a problem that the Big 3 seemed to be avoiding. I’m probably wrong on that, because it’s probably that they are just too close to the problem and they’re probably just myopic. But these engineers decided to light a fire under Ford, GM, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota, etc. (Although Honda and Toyota are probably close to introducing the same. And I did see that GM has a prototype of a fuel cell car, but it’s the size of a house and probably 6 or 7 years from production.) These guys are ready to go production after meeting the auto safety standards, hopefully by late fall 2007.

Now, none of us can afford it for a few years, but the fact that they have solved some very difficult engineering problems is the real news in this.


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