This was originally posted on my Yahoo! 360 blog in early Sept 2006.
Is there any place on earth that is safe from Muslim terrorists? In one of the most moderate Arab nations on earth, a British tourist (along with six others) was gunned down in Jordan today. His crime - being from the West. In America we'd call that a hate crime ... on second thought, it would never get classified that way, CAIR would see to that. But it is a shame that we in the West continue to travel to a part of the world that is simply hates us for being who we are. It is yet another example of our ignorance, thinking that they will like us if we're nice to them. This is the communism of the turn of the 20th century.
When I was in school, I was taught about this wonderful idealist named Lenin. But Lenin was the monster that Stalin emulated. Funny what they conveniently leave out of the textbooks. Today, the bin Laden's and Zarqawi's of the Mulsim world got their "inspiration" from Sayyid Qutb. Never heard of of him? Neither had I until the latest Christian Research Journal, Vol 29, No. 4, 2006. If you want a picture painted for you of just who this guy was, whenever you hear the name bin Laden or Zarqawi, just think Joseph Stalin. Qutb was the inspiration for all of the evil these men spew; he was Lenin. The only difference between Qutb and Lenin is that Qutb considered everything he suggested to be done, and that bin Ladin and Zawqawi do, should be done in the name of Allah. All of the problems of the Muslim world could be blamed on the evil West. Its the basis of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia (and those nice little schools they set up in all of the West countries. "Class, today we're going to learn how to be a suicide bomber") - and that they've exported to every nation possible. Remember that nice man named Khomeini of Iran (think - 1979), one of Qutb's students.
In the Christian West, we do the same thing, well, except for all of the targeted killing of the innocent (humm, abortion, I guess I'll have to think about that one ...). We follow men too, but for the material things or the personal experiences they can promise us. Give a $100 and receive $10,000! “Your not sick – claim that healing, in Jesus' name!” Remember laughing revivals? ("But they're real, right?") Come get a double portion, and bark like a dog too! Or, we follow some one because of their politics, because if we could just pass this one law, everything will change.
But these aren't the examples that we, as believers, as Chrisitans, should be following. Jesus told us that the greatest commandment was to “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Mat 22:37-40) But how on earth can we do that when we are in love with wealth or money and power. In reality, its not those “things” that we're in love with, its our reflection in the mirror, ourselves. We want what we want when we want it, and its only a “white” lie, right?
But where is our love for God, our devotion to Christ? These terrorists have a thousand times our devotion, for a cause that promotes the innocent slaughter of thousands, and hundreds of thousands if they get their way, all for a false god, one chosen by random out of the 360 available at the big black box in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in the 7th century. Kind of like the Jehovah's Witnesses, always knocking on someone's door ... While we in the West chase “the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life.” (1 John 2:16) If Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, don't you think we should start living like it really is true? Are you living for Jesus, really? Or are you living for yourself?