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But that's not supposed to happen ...

This past summer we lost power for 8 days – see my second blog entry. Eight long days w/o electricity. And they say lightening is not supposed to strike twice in the same place – don't believe that! We had another St Louis storm, but this time with ice and snow. 14,400 out of 19,600 in my zip code were out of power! Over 350,000 people went dark. They were saying that it could be 5 days to restore power for most people. Thankfully, we were only out for two and half days this time – thank you Jesus! We have radiant heat – water pipes in the floors – and I was really worried that we might be out for 4 or 5 days. Never mind the inconvenience of no electricity, I was worried about the freezing temperatures freezing my floors. It only got down to about 25 the first night, but down to 15 the second night. The night we got electricity back it was going down to about 10 degrees, which might have frozen my perimeter. Once that happens, the pipes burst and the concrete slab seeps water into the house. And then its forced air and about 2 grand to fix. I spent a lot of time praying for the Ameren UE repair guys. Really tough conditions to work in.

I can do the heat, but the cold – no thanks! Some friends were going to put us up for however long it would be, which turned out to be only one night. Its always nice to have good friends with finished basements. It was the body of Christ in motion. Christians reaching out to the family of God.


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