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Showing posts from December, 2006

As for me and my household ...

In the past I have pointed out some of the inconsistencies of what is stated about Islam and what it seems to practice, as well as some of the differences between Islam and Christianity. Today's entry is really no different. These days our so-called secular media seems to be going out of its way to faun all over Islam and prop up the ridiculous “religion of peace” mantra it tries to hind behind. I read a couple of very interesting articles concerning the newly elected African-American Muslim congressman from Minnesota. This is an article about Keith Ellison, the first Muslim to be elected to congress . Beyond the flap about him putting his hand on the Koran instead of the Bible for the ceremonial pictures of the swearing in process, the larger issue is, that as a Christian convert to Islam, Islam seems to get a pass on all of the questions that would be asked any other person with seemly extreme personal beliefs that would also seem to violate the US Constitution, the very thing he

A God of Mercy or a God of Vengeance: Which would You Choose?

This was originally posted in my Yahoo! 360 blog, Oct 16, 2006: I want to talk about mercy in my blog today, and to do that I want too relate a story that didn't get much coverage in the news. In Iraq, a country that the USA is currently still trying to help become a democratic nation – maybe even against their own will, a little known murder took place last week. A Greek Orthodox priest was kidnapped and found three days later with his head severed from his body. The reason given by the merciful Muslims that did the kind and compassionate act upon an obvious infidel, was the Pope's recent comments about the need for more dialog between religions. If you will remember, the Pope quoted a 12th century Emperor's statement to a Muslim scholar that he was debating. Obviously this evil priest was responsible for the Pope's statement, and therefore his compassionate kidnappers had every right to behead him for not preventing the Pope's thoughtless comments. Oh yea, and th

Its My world and I can do what I want to!

This was originally posted in my Yahoo! 360 blog, Oct 7, 2006: Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any horrible world events to report on right now, just the normal carnage in Iraq (the daily unending Muslim Islamo-fascist terrorists murdering innocent Muslim men, women and children – and any American they can find), political scandals in the West (like Rep Foley chasing young teenage boys), and the normal raping and murdering that goes on all over the world. Everybody wants to exercise power over everyone else. Everybody wants to be in charge, but no one really knows what to do or how to act once they get in charge. If the terrorists win in Iraq, what kind of a government do you think they will establish? Do you think they've even thought about it yet? Or is killing the only thing they really know how to do? Have you ever thought about why its so hard to lead? Most of the time the wrong people want to lead, and the right people don't want anything to do with leadership. W

The Evil Within

This was originally posted in my Yahoo! 360 blog, Oct 1, 2006: This past week, one of the most gruesome crimes imaginable was committed by a woman. A woman cut the unborn child out of the womb of her friend, killing both and drowned her three other children, stuffing them into a washer and dryer. If the authorities know why she did this unspeakable evil, they aren't saying. She plead innocent even though she's admitted the crime to her boyfriend and the police. I'll assume our “justice” system will place her in the loony bin for a few years and then pronounce her cured. Not much justice for the victim's family in that. As a Christian I know exactly why this crime happened. There is evil in this world, and his name is Satan. Yes, I'm one of those. The very first question that most people ask is, “How can God let such an unspeakable thing happen?” But the assumption in that question is that somehow its all God's fault. But is it? How many of us want others to make

Devotion to God

This was originally posted on my Yahoo! 360 blog in early Oct 2006. The world is such a fickle place. Every one wants their history rewritten. This past Thursday, the "Pope quoted from a book recounting a conversation between 14th-century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II and a Persian scholar on the truths of Christianity and Islam." ( ) The quote of the Emperor was as follows: 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."' Now the Muslim world expects the Pope to apologize for a truthful statement. It would seem that the Muslim world wants Islam to be known as a peaceful religion, but they just can't stop reacting violently to anything major or minor some one says to prove that they might just be non-violent. In the words of Fox News the world sits in fear that Muslims may break out in another

Allahu Akbar and pass me another clip!

This was originally posted on my Yahoo! 360 blog in early Sept 2006. Is there any place on earth that is safe from Muslim terrorists? In one of the most moderate Arab nations on earth, a British tourist (along with six others) was gunned down in Jordan today. His crime - being from the West. In America we'd call that a hate crime ... on second thought, it would never get classified that way, CAIR would see to that. But it is a shame that we in the West continue to travel to a part of the world that is simply hates us for being who we are. It is yet another example of our ignorance, thinking that they will like us if we're nice to them. This is the communism of the turn of the 20th century. When I was in school, I was taught about this wonderful idealist named Lenin. But Lenin was the monster that Stalin emulated. Funny what they conveniently leave out of the textbooks. Today, the bin Laden's and Zarqawi's of the Mulsim world got their "inspiration"

Convert or Die ... Postcards from al-Qaida

This was originally posted on my Yahoo! 360 blog in early Sept 2006 ... Once again, the West or should I say America, has received another love letter from the Islamo-fascists in the Muslim world. In a nutshell, we are told by an American traitor, Adam Gadahn, a convert to Islam and now a militant Muslim in al-Qaida, to “convert to Islam or face the consequences.” For all of you out there that are shocked by this, it's really nothing new. Islam has been doing this since it began in the 7 th century. I know, I know, not very politically correct to point out their history, is it? Interestingly, I heard this past week that American Muslims are finally “looking within” to see if maybe they need to be “good” Americans and police themselves. Now there's a concept – are you listening Muslim world? CAIR? After 9/11 all Muslims seemed to want to do is run around and tell every one how offended they were at being labeled as Islamists. I do understand that, and I even agree.

Of Terrorism and Terrorists ...

This was originally posted in my Yahoo! 360 blog back in Aug 2006 ... and its still ass true today as it was back then ... A couple of days ago, once again, we got a reminder of what the face of terrorism is. The West just doesn't seem to get it – its about religion stupid! Its a bit unrealistic to think that the Islamic fascists controlling the vast majority of Islam today would embrace democracy when they are still stuck in the 7 th century, and they still believe that killing in the name of God is their highest calling. I say the 'vast majority of Islam' because you really never hear moderate Muslims reject or repudiate the teachings of the Islamic fascists. I know that they are out there, they just seem to be conspicuously silent, or making excuses as to why what the Islamists do is somehow justified. But then, I understand that mentality a little. Years ago I was part of the Operation Rescue movement and its attempt to eliminate abortion via non-violent ci

Thanksgiving and Turkey Visiting ...

Last week the Pope embarks on yet another historic good will trip, this time to Turkey. There is considerable open hostility towards him right now in Turkey, or any Muslim country for that matter. But that's really not what's news-worthy, even though its what's being reported. Have you thought about “who” is doing “what”? By this question, I'm not trying to focus on the Pope as the head of the Catholic Church or as the symbolic head of Christianity (but he is doing the heavy lifting, isn't he), but rather on Christianity as a faith. The original flap was about a statement the Pope read which was taken out of context by Muslims, something they do quite often. But the purpose of his comments was to challenge Christians (and in his case, Catholic leaders) to work harder at reaching out to other faiths, and Islam in particular. And that is the real news in this story of his trip to Turkey. The Pope challenged his cardinals and bishops to reach out to Muslims

But that's not supposed to happen ...

This past summer we lost power for 8 days – see my second blog entry. Eight long days w/o electricity. And they say lightening is not supposed to strike twice in the same place – don't believe that! We had another St Louis storm, but this time with ice and snow. 14,400 out of 19,600 in my zip code were out of power! Over 350,000 people went dark. They were saying that it could be 5 days to restore power for most people. Thankfully, we were only out for two and half days this time – thank you Jesus! We have radiant heat – water pipes in the floors – and I was really worried that we might be out for 4 or 5 days. Never mind the inconvenience of no electricity, I was worried about the freezing temperatures freezing my floors. It only got down to about 25 the first night, but down to 15 the second night. The night we got electricity back it was going down to about 10 degrees, which might have frozen my perimeter. Once that happens, the pipes burst and the concrete slab seeps

I want it!

Several days ago, I was trolling MSNBC technology news and I ran across this: What an awesome looking car! And the technology – you have to take the time to read about it! Now I’m not an environmentalist, but I do care about the environment. More than that, I’m tired of helping the Islamic fascist nations rape us on oil prices. ‘Course, we were the idiots that set up OPEC, weren’t we. I’d really like to see them go back to herding camels in the deserts, instead of promoting terrorism all over the world because their so damn rich and have just too much time on their hands. Sorry, that’s not very Christian like of me, but I’m really tired of hearing all of the terrorist acts that happen every day in this world, all over the world. Columbia, Philippines, England, Britain, Spain, USA, France, Netherlands, Russia, China, India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and nearly every country in Africa (these las