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Clash of the Titans

Seems I forgot to post my April 15th Yahoo 360 blog entry ... so here it is.

Before I begin – just wanted you all to know that I have not received any reply from the History Channel (see previous blog entry), not that I expected one. Maybe some day they'll get the hint, but its doubtful.
But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. (Luke 6:35)
Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah. except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah. (Qur'an 3:28)
I'm sitting here on a Sunday morning, a little sick, so I'm staying home from church and writing a blog entry instead. I just got done watching the movie, “United 93”, about the passengers that fought back against the Islamic Fascists that had commandeered the plane and prevented that flight from crashing into the Capitol. It was a really hard movie to watch, but I did it anyway. Many people remember where they were when John F Kennedy was assassinated, I remember where I was on Sept 11th, 2001. Yes, I know it was 6 years ago, but in many respects, it was like it happened yesterday. My father's and grandfather's generation probably have Dec 7th, 1941 seared into their consciences, but I wasn't alive then, and I was too young to JFK.

So, the movie has only added more fuel to my current fire because we Americans have such short memories. That day, over 3000 souls were assassinated by the religion of peace. But the bloodshed has not abated even a little since that day. I know I must sound like a broken record, but every day there is a new demonstration of what the real truth about Islam is. According to the Religion of Peace website ( there were 288 terrorist attacks in 16 countries in the month of March 2007 alone, with a body count of 1974 souls murdered in the name of Islam, the religion of peace. Now, before you click on the provided link, please understand that you will see some very disturbing images, things you won't want to believe.

Unfortunately, I don't know how add videos into my blog, but here's an interesting link ( - please, don't get freaked out by Ann Coulter's picture; she's a person that gets it, even if you don't like her politics. The title page is a quote from the Ayatollah Khomeini. You know, that really nice guy with the long beard who held our embassy employees in Iran as hostages for 444 days – another one of those events that is seared into my mind, along with Jimmy Carter's total mismanagement of the situation. Its says:
Islam makes it incumbent on all adults males, provided they are not disabled or incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the world ... But those who study Islamic Holy War will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world.
Now, you do understand the significance of what's being said here, don't you? Just in case its not quite clear enough, let me help you. It says that anyone who is a “true” believer in “Allah” will know that it is a man's duty to get involved with the spreading of Islam to every nation on the planet. Now if that was all it was, no one would be upset, including me. But the emphasis is not on standing on the corner preaching to whoever will listen, but on forcefully compelling people to its faith, conquering any country that resists and forcefully compelling its people to Islam. Most people do not know that prior to 911, Osama bin Laden wrote an open letter to the American people to embrace Islam or else face the consequences. We now all know what those consequences were – radical Islam's all out war on anyone that they perceive as “unbelievers.” It was not published in any media for us to read and take heed. And it would not have mattered anyway because most Americans would not have read the piece or given it any credence. But we got our warning, in about the same want we got the Japanese warning prior to Dec 7th.

Six years after 911, all we hear is the complaints from the Dems about how Bush lie (a la Michael Moore), even though nearly every single foreign intelligence service came to the exact same conclusions based on the information that was available, which, by the way, has never been contradicted. So, if Bush lied, then so did Germany, France, England, Russia, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and the list goes on and on. And the GOP isn't any better. In his rush to embrace the so-called moderate Muslims, his first visit after 911 was to a Mosque, reminding us all that Islam is a religion of peace and the religion was being hijacked by a very few number of extremists. If only that were true.

From its very beginning, Islam was spread by the sword – and I can hear the protests now. “You Christians have a lot of room to talk! You did the same thing!” Really? You want to bet me? When Jesus died, resurrected and ascended to heaven, who ruled the middle east? The Romans, good. What was their religion? The Romanized Greek gods, again, very good answer. In the garden of Gethsemane, when Peter picked up a sword to prevent the Jewish temple guards from taking Jesus into custody, what did Jesus say to him? Don't remember? Turn with me to Matt 26:51-52. “Those who draw the sword will die by the sword.” So, up until the time of Constantine, Christianity was persecuted by the Roman empire; Christians never once took up arms against the Romans. Christians met in secret and their faith spread like wildfire. Read Foxes' Book of Martyrs sometime. Christians were fed to the lions, impaled and used as candles for Nero's parties, just to name a few of their collective treatments. Lovely stuff.

But Islam uses the direct route. After Mohamed was rejected by his own tribe, the Jews and the Christians, he turned to force. First to force his own tribe of people to his newly founded faith, then to subject everyone in the surrounding areas. He died in 632 AD, after taking Medina and Mecca, as well as most of Arabia. Muslims invaded India in 634 AD. In 635 Damascus fell. In 644, Iraq fell. Egypt was invaded in 639, and fell in 642. In 688, Muslims laid siege to Constantinople, but it didn't fall until 15th century – no thanks to the Pope in Rome. By the beginning of the 8th century, all of North Africa had been conquered. Spain was invaded in 711 AD. By 715 AD most of Spain had been conquered, and they were beginning to press into France. Thank God for Charlemagne! Charles Martel, nicknamed the “hammer”, stopped their advance in 732 AD at the city of Tours. Its a very interesting read and is readily available on the Internet, just in case you're interested. At the close of the 8th century, the Muslims called for another Jihad into France, but it was repelled.

I feel compelled to remind you that all of this predates the Crusades and the evil Christians attacking the poor, helpless and defenseless Muslims – who knew they were coming. It was a long, slow process, but the Muslims were finally overthrown in Spain around the time of Columbus, 1492. And Spain has had terrorist attacks on its soil ever since. So the next time you think about your utter disdain for the Spanish Inquisitions maybe you'll remember why they came about in the first place. Yes, that is exactly what I'm implying. And in case you missed this bit of news, there are Muslims that are now calling for a new Jihad in Spain, to reclaim their lost ground, after all, its a Muslim nation that was overthrown by the evil Christians.

I started off this blog with a quote from the Qu'ran. “Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers ...” This is something that you may not understand, but every Muslim does. They are not to take unbelievers, read Christians, Jews, Hindus, or anyone else that is not a Muslim, as friends. You might think they are, and maybe they are, but how will you know for sure? Yes, I know that's not very nice of me, but we need to wake up to the radical Islam that is sweeping throughout the world. Its not just the extremists, this is a movement that is capturing the hearts and minds of roughly 25% of the Muslim population. Do you remember the dancing in the streets by Palestinians on 911? I do. You probably don't know that the USA has been funding their so-called refugee camps for last 30 yrs via the UN. Some thanks for us feeding and clothing them for 30 yrs, while they pretended to be our friends.

I apologize for the excessive amount of sarcasm in this blog, but we are such a naive bunch of people, and so easily duped. And that's what's going on right now. I'm not calling for armed conflict, although our government does have the constitutional responsibility to protect its people. But as Christians we are to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Are we? I don't like the thought of “turning the other cheek” to these people anymore than anyone else does, but its not about what I like or dislike, its about what Jesus commanded. He also commanded us to preach the gospel to everyone in the world – not with a sword in our hand, but with His word. Its not about being obnoxious to people, like standing on a corner with a 600 lb Bible and screaming at people, but about be-friending people - believers and unbelievers, and finding a way to help hurting people by showing them the way to Christ and discipling others in their faith; being faithful to the things that God has called us to. That's the charge to Christians, which is a sharp contrast to that of Muslims. The Bible tells us,
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Mat 28:19-20)
This country has nothing to fear, if we Christians would be doing what we're supposed to be doing. Much of Europe will likely be Muslim countries in the next 50 yrs, simply because they have rejected Christ, and the Christians who remain have basically stopped being disciples of Christ (there is a remnant there though). We are here for such a short time, but we'll be in eternity forever. Shouldn't that change how we think down here on earth? Are our political affiliations or ethnic or racial backgrounds more important than Christ Jesus our Lord? Blacks and whites – many of them Christians – spend most of their energies finding new ways to point figures at each other for the inequities in life. This should not be. We are all too interested in being the victim instead of being found faithful in Christ. I started this blog last year for one reason and one reason only: to find another outlet to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because in the end, when we stand before Christ, He will not care about whether we were in the NAACP, or the NRA, or protesting the war, or making a million dollars, He will only care whether we did the things were we saved to do (Eph 2:10). He will not care about how many times you attended church, or the size of your house, or how much money you donated to charity, or whether we spoke in tongues of angels, or how many Bible classes we attended or taught. All of our “good works” will be burned up, if they were not done in the name of Christ. If He was not the one telling you to do those things, then they are works of the flesh that will burn. Our priorities should be Christ first, in everything we do. Do you seek Christ in what you do? Do you feel His calm in the midst of the storm? Do you love others enough to rescue them from eternal damnation? Do you love your brother in Christ even though the pigment of his skin tone is darker or lighter than yours? Do you love God enough to do whatever He tells you to do? Keith Green asked this question in one of his hard-hitting songs in the early 80's, "Will He find faith on the earth?"
What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. (2 Tim 1:13)
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Heb 10:23)


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