First, let me start by saying that I am a Christian first and foremost. I don't expect some of you to believe what I will be writing, nor do I expect you to agree with it. I see things from a slightly different perspective and I acknowledge that it is colored by my faith. Before you respond (or even read any further), you must also admit that the same is true for you. Each of us believe what we believe because of our background (how we grew up, who we interacted with, how we were treated by friends and family) or particular circumstances in our lives (things that we did or things that occurred to us), as well as the God given personality that we all have. Just like you I have a worldview, but mine is a Christian one. And just like you, everything is filtered through that lens. And since you do the exact same thing, please don't pretend that you don't.
Second, I think, investigate and have opinions about a lot of topics. Most of those topics are in some way related to my Christian faith. These are the only ones that really matter, and unfortunately, I'm not always correct. I'm human and I make mistakes.
Third, I'm not into conspiracy theories. There are some Christians that have a conspiracy theory about almost everything that occurs in life. I would agree that the god of this age is behind all of the junk, I just don't agree that he has the ability to control mankind's actions as some people do. Its inconsistent with Biblical theology. Satan is, after all, only a fallen angel, not an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God.
Fourth, I'm into history and apologetics. That is what fuels my love for theology. I believe I know what Christianity is, and what it isn't. I have had to go through the very painful process of systematically evaluating what I believe and why I believe it, because at one time I was deceived and in error. Its given me a lot more grace for others, but its also made me much more resolved in my faith.