Today, I'd like to tackle omnipotence. Its really not an attribute of God with which Christians have a problem. I would guess that we would all agree that God is omnipotent, since most of us still hold to the belief that God created the heavens and the earth, right? Some of us (although I'm not one of them) believe that God needed several hundred million years to create it, but He did create it. We might question His ability to be everywhere, all of the time, or His ability to know everything there is to know, but creative power? No, that's not really in question. So why is it that we seem to act like He doesn't have the power to do anything else in the earth today? Its down right schizophrenic! Don't believe me? I'll get to that a little later ... The Jehovah's Witnesses are really good and making sure that you know the word 'Trinity' isn't in the Bible. Well, I'd would like to remind us all that neither are the words omnipotence, ...
"But that He (Jesus) is Himself in His own right ... God, and Lord, and King Eternal, and the Incarnate Word, proclaimed by all ..." Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons