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Showing posts from July, 2007

How Do We Discuss the Trinity?

The Trinity is a very misunderstood topic, and unfortunately those misunderstandings usually begin with the church. A theological battle or sorts was waged in the 3rd and 4th centuries, and is still being waged today, to help codify what the church had always taught but had never realized it needed to codify. There are four streams of thought on the Trinity: 1) the orthodox view, One God, three persons; each co-equal with the other; 2) One God where Jesus is either a subordinate or lesser god, or a man; 3) that each, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are each separate gods, and 4) that God is one being that manifests Himself as three different beings at different times, sometimes the Father, sometimes the Son and sometimes the Holy Spirit. I subscribe to view number one, the orthodox view, which was believed from the beginning. Believe it or not the church fought off the other three views for the first three centuries, which is why it sought to codify the biblical view with a dev

Banned from the Bible - Part II

So I finally got a reply from my email of several months back concerning the History Channel program, " Banned from the Bible ." Here was there response: Dear Mr. Hadfield, Thank you for your interest in The History Channel program BANNED FROM THE BIBLE. A purpose in presenting programs about religion is to explore what is known to be historical fact as opposed to--or in agreement with--what is believed by the faithful. We regret that you find any of our programming biased. We can assure you that offending any particular ethnic, religious, racial, political or socioeconomic group is the farthest thing from the editorial goal of any program found on The History Channel. The producers with whom we work on religion-based programs select historians and interviewees who are educated in a variety of religious disciplines. Like any scholar, each has his or her point of view; all, however, possess credentials from recognized universities and theological institutions. Viewers o