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Showing posts from January, 2007

How to be Perfect

I'm currently sitting in a book store because we are once again without power. St. Louis seems to be a magnet for weird storms right now. Its beautiful outside, but dangerous too. I have a fairly large limb on my roof right now – the very one that I just contracted a tree service to cut off. Unfortunately, they haven't been able to get to it yet. So, after taking a 45 minute walk with my wife, and while she continues to walk, I decided to stop and create a blog entry that I hope to be able to post in the next couple of days – just depends on when and where I can find an Internet connection. The next topic on my quest to discuss the nature and attributes of God is God's perfect nature. So let's borrow some information from my Online Bible program (which just might be the very best low cost Bible program available. Esword is good, but it doesn't hold a candle to OLB – especially when you add Gary Gallant's DVD of add-ons). This definition of God's p

The Eternal One

This was originally posted Dec 22, 2006 in my Yahoo! 360 blog: Its been a really long time since my last post, and I apologize for my absence. So, let's try to pick up were I left off in early December. I want to tackle some of the big words of theology, and one of them is the word eternal. What exactly does the word eternal mean? To understand that, we need to go to the source, to see what the Bible say about who God is. So let's start with a couple of verses to see what they have to say about who God is, starting with Ps 90:1-2 says: Lord, you have been our dwelling-place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. God has always been seen as being in existence, with no beginning and no end. He has just always been. Now let's take a look at Job 38:4-5. God asks a few questions to Job: “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who

Where does holiness fit in?

This was originally posted in my Yahoo! 360 blog, Nov 8th, 2006: I've been slowly but surely directing my blog to the attributes of God, something that I personally feel that most Christians simply don't know enough about. In so doing, I've been using Islam as a contrast to Christian teachings. I'm sure that some would accuse me of being unfair to Islamic beliefs, but the fact of the matter is, Islam is constantly in the news, and the overwhelming majority of that news is not very complimentary to that faith. So, why not use their 'faith' to contrast what the Bible says about who God is, right? In my last blog entry I wrote about God's mercy, which can be summarized as 'not getting what we deserve'. God withholds the punishment we deserve for the sins we continually commit. Unlike Islam, the Christian faith teaches us that we are to be merciful because God is merciful to us. So this time I'd like talk about justice, but before I can get there, I